"A 911 dispatcher got quite the call recently. An Oregon teenager called to report there was a giant spider in her home. The girl was home alone when she spotted the spider in her bedroom. She told the dispatcher it was similar to a tarantula and she was too afraid to trap or kill it. She claimed it was the size of a baseball, and that her mother had recently been bitten by a spider and had to go to the hospital for treatment. Here's part of what she told the dispatcher: "And I'm walking into my room and I see this massive freaking creature on the back of my couch and I have no idea what to do, and I can't get ahold of my parents. So, I don't know you guys have anything I can do, or if I sit here and stare at it and wait for someone to get home and kill it." The dispatcher sent a police officer over. He grabbed a newspaper, rolled it up and killed the spider for the girl." http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/lo...spots-a-giant-freaking-spider-inside-her-home